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Showing posts from February, 2012

Renowned climate scientist comes under fire

Renowned climate scientist comes under fire Renowned climate scientist comes under fire - The prestigious California-based Pacific Institute climate research group has launched an investigation of its president and founder, Peter Gleick, after he admitted fraudulently obtaining documents from global warming skeptics challenging his work. The institute in Oakland revealed its inquiry into the widening controversy in a terse statement posted on Wednesday on its website, hours after the San Francisco Chronicle said it was discontinuing an online blog that Gleick had been writing for the newspaper. "The Board of Directors of the Pacific Institute is deeply concerned and is actively reviewing information about the recent events involving its president ... and documents pertaining to the Heartland Institute," the board statement said. Gleick himself went public about the matter on Monday with a statement confessing that he had posed as someone else to obtain internal memos from

Tornado season looms, but forecasting a challenge

Tornado season looms, but forecasting a challenge Tornado season looms, but forecasting a challenge - Tornado season is starting, but don't ask meteorologists how bad it will be this spring and summer. They don't know. They're having a hard enough time getting a fix on the likely path of storms expected in the next 48 hours, from the Ohio Valley to the Southeast coast.

See Venus, Jupiter & Moon Align in Weekend Celestial Show

See Venus, Jupiter & Moon Align in Weekend Celestial Show See Venus, Jupiter & Moon Align in Weekend Celestial Show - If the weather is clear this weekend, even those who normally do not look at the sky may be struck by a dazzling celestial scene in the west after sunset: a view of two bright planets and an even more eye-catching crescent moon.

Researchers Create Fabric That Converts Body Heat Into Electricity

Researchers Create Fabric That Converts Body Heat Into Electricity Researchers Create Fabric That Converts Body Heat Into Electricity - We've all heard of solar power and wind power, but researchers at Wake Forest are developing another alternative form of power: thermoelectrics. They've created a fabric -- comprised of tiny carbon nanotubes -- that can convert body heat into an electric charge. [More from Mashable: What to Do When Your Social Media Strategy Is Successful The device, called Power Felt, uses temperature differences to create electricity. “We waste a lot of energy in the form of heat. For example, recapturing a car’s energy waste could help improve fuel mileage and power the radio, air conditioning or navigation system,” graduate student Corey Hewitt Hewitt says. “Generally thermoelectrics are an underdeveloped technology for harvesting energy, yet there is so much opportunity.” [More from Mashable: Researchers Use 3D Printing to Create Robotic Dinosaurs [VI

The Greater Your Fear, the Larger the Spider

The Greater Your Fear, the Larger the Spider The Greater Your Fear, the Larger the Spider - Fear can distort our perceptions, psychological research indicates, and creepy-crawly spiders are no different. People who are afraid of spiders see the arachnids as bigger than they actually are, recent experiments have shown.

Venus, Jupiter, moon offer dazzling night show

Venus, Jupiter, moon offer dazzling night show Venus, Jupiter, moon offer dazzling night show -    Stargazers of the world are getting a treat this weekend. On Saturday and again Sunday, Venus, Jupiter and Earth's moon converge for a brilliant night show. Venus and Jupiter already are lining up in the western sky. In mid-February, the two planets were 20 degrees apart from a viewing perspective. The gap narrows to 10 degrees by month's end. A crescent moon joins the show this weekend for a triple combination. The celestial encounter will be visible from around the world at twilight. The moon will appear closer to Venus on Saturday and closer to Jupiter on Sunday. The moon then retreats from view, but Venus and Jupiter keep drawing closer. The two planets will be just 3 degrees apart by mid-March.

Science Fiction or Fact: Could a 'Robopocalypse' Wipe Out Humans?

Science Fiction or Fact: Could a 'Robopocalypse' Wipe Out Humans? Science Fiction or Fact: Could a 'Robopocalypse' Wipe Out Humans? - If a bunch of sci-fi flicks have it right, a war pitting humanity against machines will someday destroy civilization. Two popular movie series based on such a "robopocalypse," the "Terminator" and "Matrix" franchises, are among those that suggest granting greater autonomy to artificially intelligent machines will end up dooming our species.

Robot Gliders Track Huge Pockets of Ocean Water

Robot Gliders Track Huge Pockets of Ocean Water Robot Gliders Track Huge Pockets of Ocean Water - Deep-diving, unmanned ocean robots have revealed that enormous pockets of salty water travel for thousands of miles in one mass, without being diluted, according to new research.

US Navy Launches Next-Generation Military Satellite

US Navy Launches Next-Generation Military Satellite US Navy Launches Next-Generation Military Satellite - launched an advanced tactical satellite today (Feb. 24), lofting to orbit the first spacecraft in a new communications constellation that should provide a big upgrade for American troops.

Brooklyn Woman With 45 Cats Faced With Furry Dilemma

Brooklyn Woman With 45 Cats Faced With Furry Dilemma Brooklyn Woman With 45 Cats Faced With Furry Dilemma -    A Brooklyn woman  says she is faced with a major predicament.

Cops Seek 6 Teen Suspects In Two Brooklyn Robberies

Cops Seek 6 Teen Suspects In Two Brooklyn Robberies Cops Seek 6 Teen Suspects In Two Brooklyn Robberies - Police are looking for six teenage suspects, including 3 girls, wanted for two robberies in Brooklyn.

Investigators Continue To Seek Answers In Deadly South Plainfield Blaze

Investigators Continue To Seek Answers In Deadly South Plainfield Blaze Investigators Continue To Seek Answers In Deadly South Plainfield Blaze - As investigators try to determine what caused a deadly New Jersey house fire that killed a grandmother and her four young grandchildren, police say they want to question a man who lived in the two-family home and hasn’t been seen since the blaze.

The Teacher Data Reports on SchoolBook: An Explanation

The Teacher Data Reports on SchoolBook: An Explanation The Teacher Data Reports on SchoolBook: An Explanation - SchoolBook has published the teacher data reports using a new tool that was created by interactive journalists at The New York Times and WNYC. The goal of the tool: to make the data easier to understand and put the rankings into context.

Release of Teacher Data Is Widely Denounced

Release of Teacher Data Is Widely Denounced Release of Teacher Data Is Widely Denounced - Outside the doors of the Tweed Courthouse, the headquarters of the city’s Education Department, there were few champions on Friday of the release of individual performance rankings of 18,000 public school teachers.

An Audio Report on the Who, What and Why of Teacher Ratings

An Audio Report on the Who, What and Why of Teacher Ratings An Audio Report on the Who, What and Why of Teacher Ratings -  Beth Fertig, and The Times’ data specialist, Rob Gebeloff, dive into the data reports for 18,000 teachers and give listeners an eight-minute overview during a segment of “All Things Considered” on WNYC. Listen here to understand better why people are paying attention to a method of assessing teachers that soon will be used as part of a new evaluation system for all public school teachers in New York State.

Child molester gets 30 years for atrocious seven-year sex attack spree

Child molester gets 30 years for atrocious seven-year sex attack spree Child molester gets 30 years for atrocious seven-year sex attack spree - A BABY-FACED pedophile was slammed with 30 years behind bars for molesting at least eight children in Queens — including members of his own family.

Teen suspect busted in shooting of Bronx boy, 8

Teen suspect busted in shooting of Bronx boy, 8 Teen suspect busted in shooting of Bronx boy, 8 - A 15-year-old gang banger was busted Friday for shooting a Bronx boy in a botched revenge plot, police said.

Federal judge expands churches-in-schools reprieve, allows all congregations to stay in city schools until a trial is held

Federal judge expands churches-in-schools reprieve, allows all congregations to stay in city schools until a trial is held Federal judge expands churches-in-schools reprieve, allows all congregations to stay in city schools until a trial is held - A Manhattan Federal Court judge Friday reversed a previous eviction of religious groups from city schools where they had long rented space for worship services. Judge Loretta Preska had issued a 10-day reprieve to 60 churches last week, but that was then shot down by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, which ruled that the stay applied only to the sole plaintiff in the case, the Bronx Household of Faith. But in granting a new reprieve and extending it for an undetermined period of time, Preska said Friday that her “order extends to the Bronx Household of Faith and, in addition, to any similarly situated party.” Preska’s ruling will be in effect until there is a trial on the merits of the case. For 16 years, the city has fought to r

Twelve killed in protests across Afghanistan

Twelve killed in protests across Afghanistan Twelve killed in protests across Afghanistan -  Twelve people were killed on Friday in the bloodiest day yet in protests that have raged across Afghanistan over the desecration of copies of the Muslim holy book at a NATO military base with riot police and soldiers on high alert braced for more violence. The burning of the Korans at the Bagram compound earlier this week has deepened public mistrust of NATO forces struggling to stabilize Afghanistan before foreign combat troops withdraw in 2014. Hundreds of Afghans marched toward the palace of Afghan President Hamid Karzai in Kabul, while on the other side of the capital protesters hoisted the white flag of the Taliban. Chanting "Death to America!" and "Long live Islam!," protesters also threw rocks at police in Kabul, while Afghan army helicopters circled above. Friday is a holy day and the official weekly holiday in Afghanistan and mosques in the capital drew large

No G20 deal on IMF cash this weekend, pressure on Europe

No G20 deal on IMF cash this weekend, pressure on Europe No G20 deal on IMF cash this weekend, pressure on Europe - World economic powers told Europe on Friday it would have to do more to fight its financial crisis before they agree to provide back-up in the form of a bigger IMF war-chest.

Iran has expanded sensitive nuclear work: U.N. agency

Iran has expanded sensitive nuclear work: U.N. agency Iran has expanded sensitive nuclear work: U.N. agency -  Iran has sharply stepped up its controversial uranium enrichment drive, the U.N. nuclear agency said on Friday in a report that will further inflame Israeli fears the Islamic Republic is pushing ahead with atomic bomb plans. The nuclear watchdog also gave details of its mission to Tehran this week where Iran failed to respond to allegations of research relevant to developing nuclear arms - a blow to the possible resumption of diplomatic talks that could help calm worries about a new war in the Middle East. "The Agency continues to have serious concerns regarding possible military dimensions to Iran's nuclear program," the International Atomic Energy Agency said in a quarterly report about Iran issued to member states. Iran's increase of work that can have both civilian and military purposes underlines that it has no intention of backing down in a long-run

Supreme Court to hear corporate human rights case

Supreme Court to hear corporate human rights case Supreme Court to hear corporate human rights case -  The Supreme Court will weigh next week whether corporations can be sued in the United States for suspected complicity in human rights abuses abroad, in a case being closely watched by businesses concerned about long and costly litigation.

World Bank chief says U.S. should lead some global bodies

World Bank chief says U.S. should lead some global bodies World Bank chief says U.S. should lead some global bodies -  A solid U.S. candidate to head the World Bank would be good for the United States and the bank because the world's largest economy should be represented in top international bodies, outgoing President Robert Zoellick said on Saturday, while emphasizing he has no role in the selection process. In an interview in Singapore, Zoellick also said he did not believe Spain, Italy or Portugal needed bailouts to ease massive debt burdens but that reforms needed critical support of Germany and other European leading nations and expressed cautious optimism that the global economy would sustain growth this year. The World Bank last week launched the nomination process to select a new president to succeed Zoellick when he steps down in June, inviting names from any of its 187 member countries. The Obama administration has said it would open the process to competition. Zoelli

Evacuations in Syria as diplomatic pressure mounts

Evacuations in Syria as diplomatic pressure mounts Evacuations in Syria as diplomatic pressure mounts -  The first wounded and sick women trapped in the most embattled district of the Syrian city of Homs have been evacuated, and talks were held to evacuate more on Saturday, while pressure mounted on President Bashar al-Assad's government to call a ceasefire and let in humanitarian aid.

U.S., Saudi maneuver to contain Iran oil market threat

U.S., Saudi maneuver to contain Iran oil market threat U.S., Saudi maneuver to contain Iran oil market threat - Saudi Arabia has raised oil exports and the United States is considering releasing crude from its strategic reserves as oil prices hit nine-month highs on Friday and concerns deepened over Iran's nuclear program.

Greece launches long-awaited debt offer

Greece launches long-awaited debt offer Greece launches long-awaited debt offer - Greece formally launched a bond swap offer to private holders of its bonds on Friday, setting in motion the largest-ever sovereign debt restructuring in the hope of getting its messy finances back on track.

Romney's rugged Mormon ancestors sowed riches in Mexico

Romney's rugged Mormon ancestors sowed riches in Mexico Romney's rugged Mormon ancestors sowed riches in Mexico -  In the craggy desert of northern Mexico, U.S. presidential hopeful Mitt Romney's relatives turned an arid valley into lush agricultural land and prospered after being chased from the United States for their Mormon beliefs.

Housing, confidence data bolster growth outlook

Housing, confidence data bolster growth outlook Housing, confidence data bolster growth outlook - New U.S. home sales fell in January but upward revisions to the prior months' data and a drop in the supply of properties on the market added to signs of a budding housing recovery.

Franklin says Houston's mother raised her well

Franklin says Houston's mother raised her well Franklin says Houston's mother raised her well -    Aretha Franklin   says   Cissy Houston   raised her daughter Whitney Houston   well — and that an interview where Franklin said parents need to make sure children "leave home prepared" was taken out of context. Franklin released a statement Wednesday, four days after Houston's funeral. She was expected to sing at the funeral in Newark, N.J., Houston's hometown, but bowed out because of leg spasms she said she suffered after a concert at Radio City Music Hall the night before. She performed again at Radio City the night of Houston's funeral, and paid tribute to Houston as "a very fine young lady." In an interview about Houston on NBC's "Today" show last week, Al Roker asked Franklin about Houston's superstardom. Franklin said: "I think parents have to really talk to their children before they leave home ... (that they) leave

Jill Zarin Promotes New Shapewear Line at Macy’s

Jill Zarin Promotes New Shapewear Line at Macy’s Jill Zarin Promotes New Shapewear Line at Macy’s - Jill Zarin may not be returning to "The Real Housewives of New York" next season, but the opinionated redhead is certainly not fading away into obscurity. Her newest venture is the shapewear line Skweeze Couture, which she was busy promoting at Macys in NYC on Tuesday. Zarin, 48, told the crowd that the department store "is giving me the chance of a lifetime," before instructing her fans to "shop 'till you drop." She even got down on the store floor and helped some pick out the right style of shapewear to best suit their body type and their outfit. "I'm happy to help everyone here until the lights go out in the store," Zarin announced. "Beauty begins with a great foundation. And hopefully I'll make all your dreams come true, as well." Skweeze Couture is a collection of slips, briefs, shaper shorts, camisoles, and more design

Bollywood star Khan says brawl was self-defence

Bollywood star Khan says brawl was self-defence Bollywood star Khan says brawl was self-defence -  Bollywood star   Saif Ali Khan   on Thursday denied starting a fight in which he is accused of breaking a man's nose at a luxury hotel in Mumbai, saying he was acting in self-defence.

‘Jersey Shore’ Meatballs Snooki and Deena Make … Meatballs!

‘Jersey Shore’ Meatballs Snooki and Deena Make … Meatballs! ‘Jersey Shore’ Meatballs Snooki and Deena Make … Meatballs! -  Anyone who watches "Jersey Shore" knows that the escapades of Nicole " Snooki " Polizzi, 24, and Deena Cortese, 25, are a regular thing. The two "meatballs," as they were first nicknamed by their roommate Ronnie Ortiz-Magro because of their small, curvy stature, have had many awesome -- or awesomely bad -- adventures, including indulging in countless cocktails, making out with one another, drinking countless cocktails again, baking an apology cake for their Shore Store boss, and drinking a little more. The two can now add to that list preparing actual meatballs! Snooki and Deena recently took a private cooking lesson from Michael Chernow and Daniel Holzman, co-owners of The Meatball Shop in Brooklyn, New York, during a photo shoot for   In Touch Weekly .

Prince William and Kate's Puppy Name: Revealed!

Prince William and Kate's Puppy Name: Revealed! Prince William and Kate's Puppy Name: Revealed! -  Prince William and his bride Kate were spotted in January with a new addition to their family -- a black Cocker Spaniel puppy -- and now they've revealed the pooch's name!

Solange Knowles Has a "Magnetic Bond" With Niece Blue Ivy

Solange Knowles Has a "Magnetic Bond" With Niece Blue Ivy Solange Knowles Has a "Magnetic Bond" With Niece Blue Ivy -  Beyonce   and   Jay-Z 's little girl   Blue Ivy Carter sure has made a lasting impression on her aunt, Solange Knowles .

How to Be a Ninja in the Bedroom

How to Be a Ninja in the Bedroom How to Be a Ninja in the Bedroom -  does not refer to making love to your wife without her even knowing it or using smoke bombs and rappelling ropes to liven up your marriage.  This is about the art of slipping undetected into a bed with a sleeping wife or wife and baby.  To say Lizzie and I have different bedtimes is nearly an illegal understatement. She goes to bed around 9:30 or 10:00 pm and I go to bed anywhere from 1:00 am to 4:00 am. Sometimes I even meet her on the other side, when she wakes up, before I crash-land in bed.  Here's the point though, there's nothing quite like the guilt/terror you feel accidentally waking up a deliriously tired new mamma from the little slumber she can manage. And you always know when you've failed, the second you do. Her arm shoots up from the bedding, flailing like a penalty flag. A cellphone suddenly lights up as she checks the time you woke her up. The whisper-screamed "noooooooo!" fo

Why I shop at 9 different stores for groceries

Why I shop at 9 different stores for groceries Why I shop at 9 different stores for groceries -  As grocery prices keep climbing, I've had to change the way I shop for food for my family. Now instead of buying all my groceries at our two neighborhood supermarkets, I'm shopping at nine different stores for the best grocery deals of the week. By taking advantage of the low prices, coupons, and advertised specials that each of these stores have to offer, it has been possible to lower our family's grocery budget by 40% or more without having to give up the foods we like.

The Lazy Girl's Guide to Getting Fit

The Lazy Girl's Guide to Getting Fit The Lazy Girl's Guide to Getting Fit -  It's one thing to want to get fit, but it's a whole other thing to actually do it. Going from couch potato to enthusiastic exerciser takes some serious motivation and a  fitness  plan that's easy to follow.

The Best Workout You're Not Doing

The Best Workout You're Not Doing The Best Workout You're Not Doing - Drop serious pounds and sculpt sexy curves with Insanity, the DVD craze that lives up to the hype. The magic behind the routine comes from   plyometrics : explosive, full-body exercises that rev your heart rate and   ratchet up metabolism   to torch megacalories and build lean muscle. We asked Insanity creator   Shaun Thompson for his top multitasking moves to help you get an insane body in only 20 minutes.

6 of the Healthiest Fish to Eat (and 6 to Avoid)

6 of the Healthiest Fish to Eat (and 6 to Avoid) 6 of the Healthiest Fish to Eat (and 6 to Avoid) -  You probably already know that you're supposed to be eating fish twice a week. Fish are a lean, healthy source of protein-and the oily kinds, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, etc.-deliver those heart- and brain-healthy omega-3 fats you've probably also heard you should be getting in your diet. ( Find out if you need an omega-3 supplement here. )

Rusty Bolt & Bracket Shatters Windshield Of NJ Man’s Car On Queensboro Bridge

Rusty Bolt & Bracket Shatters Windshield Of NJ Man’s Car On Queensboro Bridge Rusty Bolt & Bracket Shatters Windshield Of NJ Man’s Car On Queensboro Bridge -  A New Jersey man got quite the shock on the  Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge , as a bolt and bracket slammed into his Mercedes-Benz on Tuesday as he headed to an indoor soccer game in Jackson Heights, Queens. Now, Bergenfield resident Andrew Campbell wants everyone to know our bridges may not be as safe as we think they are.

Bronx Teacher Accused Of Beating Up 6th Grader In Front Of Her Own Mother

Bronx Teacher Accused Of Beating Up 6th Grader In Front Of Her Own Mother Bronx Teacher Accused Of Beating Up 6th Grader In Front Of Her Own Mother -    Punched, slapped and attacked — by a teacher?

Free In NYC: Chili From Virgil’s Barbecue In Times Square For National Chili Day

Free In NYC: Chili From Virgil’s Barbecue In Times Square For National Chili Day Free In NYC: Chili From Virgil’s Barbecue In Times Square For National Chili Day -    If you’re looking to cure your hangover from   Wednesday’s National Margarita Day , today’s holiday might be the perfect follow-up.

Five Students Arrested a Day, Police Data Show

Five Students Arrested a Day, Police Data Show Five Students Arrested a Day, Police Data Show -  City school safety agents and police officers arrested an average of five public school students a day last fall, according to new data released by the New York Police Department.

Why February?

Why February? Why February? -  Here’s a piece of city schools history: The midwinter break enjoyed this week by New York City public school students and teachers began as an energy-saving measure imposed during the oil crisis of the 1970s. It remains a part of the schedule because of a budget deal between the city and the teachers’ union. In 1977, New York City’s Board of Education unanimously approved closing schools for a week in February during the 1977-78 school year. A memo from the board at that time called the decision “an experiment for the purpose of energy-saving.” (The city was also in the midst of a fiscal crisis, so it didn’t hurt that it would also be money-saving.) The new calendar did not reduce the number of instructional days, but rearranged some days off so that schools could shut off lights and turn down thermostats for a whole week. A week off also meant a break from transporting students during a time of long lines at the gas pumps. But saving energy is not today