LGBT History Month: The AIDS Masterpiece of a Lost Disco Pioneer, It's just a coincidence that LGBT History Month occurs during our culturally appointed Scariest Time of the Year—it’s positioned to coincide with National Coming Out Day (October 11) and to commemorate the first National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, which took place October 14, 1979, not with All Hallow's Eve. But what a coincidence it is, given the horrors gay and queer people have suffered historically. Directly manmade cruelties like bigotry, discrimination, and attendant violence aside, I can't think of anything scarier than the onset of AIDS in the early ‘80s. Before it was a global epidemic, before it was cause, before it united gay men and women to save each other and themselves, before there was even a blood test for it, it was a mystery with several names and still more causalities. No matter how much Larry Kramer I read or stories I hear, I will never comprehend the blindsidi