Japan's Crown Prince seeks peace with Empero, In an apparent effort to bridge a divide that has developed within the family, the Crown Prince has offered to ease the burden on his father, who has been receiving treatment for ailments linked to stress since last year.
Speaking ahead of his 49th birthday, the prince told reporters that everyone around Emperor Akihito must do all they can to relieve the pressure on the head of the world's most enduring hereditary monarchy.
"I will do whatever it takes to help improve the situation," he said.
The emperor was treated for an irregular pulse, elevated blood pressure and internal bleeding in December. In January 2003, he underwent surgery for prostate cancer.
Out of concern for the 75-year-old emperor's health, the Imperial Houshold Agency announced in January that his official duties would be scaled back.On top of the requirements of his office, there is a widespread belief that the emperor has been disappointed by his son's decision to place emphasis on taking care of his wife, Crown Princess Masako - who has also been made ill by the stresses of royal life - over his commitment to the traditions of the imperial family.
In a telling comment in December, Ichiro Kanazawa, head of the Imperial Household Agency's medical division, said: "Please do not simply think that he feels distress because he is busy performing official duties or as his schedule is tight.
"His Majesty has felt distress over many matters and I believe he has been patiently holding himself back."
The Crown Princess has rarely been seen in public since 2004 and is suffering from what the palace describes as an "adjustment disorder".
The problem was apparently brought on by pressure due to her inability to produce a son and heir to the Chrysanthemum Throne.
The state of the Imperial Family has become a topic of speculation in the Japanese media and seems likely that the prince's comments are designed to bring son and ageing father closer together at the same time as defusing conjecture on the health of the occupants of the palace.Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan has sought to make peace with his father, Emperor Akihito, in an attempt to end a rift within the Imperial Family,
Speaking ahead of his 49th birthday, the prince told reporters that everyone around Emperor Akihito must do all they can to relieve the pressure on the head of the world's most enduring hereditary monarchy.
"I will do whatever it takes to help improve the situation," he said.
The emperor was treated for an irregular pulse, elevated blood pressure and internal bleeding in December. In January 2003, he underwent surgery for prostate cancer.
Out of concern for the 75-year-old emperor's health, the Imperial Houshold Agency announced in January that his official duties would be scaled back.On top of the requirements of his office, there is a widespread belief that the emperor has been disappointed by his son's decision to place emphasis on taking care of his wife, Crown Princess Masako - who has also been made ill by the stresses of royal life - over his commitment to the traditions of the imperial family.
In a telling comment in December, Ichiro Kanazawa, head of the Imperial Household Agency's medical division, said: "Please do not simply think that he feels distress because he is busy performing official duties or as his schedule is tight.
"His Majesty has felt distress over many matters and I believe he has been patiently holding himself back."
The Crown Princess has rarely been seen in public since 2004 and is suffering from what the palace describes as an "adjustment disorder".
The problem was apparently brought on by pressure due to her inability to produce a son and heir to the Chrysanthemum Throne.
The state of the Imperial Family has become a topic of speculation in the Japanese media and seems likely that the prince's comments are designed to bring son and ageing father closer together at the same time as defusing conjecture on the health of the occupants of the palace.Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan has sought to make peace with his father, Emperor Akihito, in an attempt to end a rift within the Imperial Family,