Monday night on “The Late Show with David Letterman,” host David Letterman premiered a new segment called “Ann and Mitt Romney Lies.”
“Ann,” he said, “The lovely Ann Romney, married to, uh…MITCH Romney.”
Letterman then rolled a clip of a Fox News interview with presumptive Republican nominee Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) and his wife Ann in which the couple talk about how much they love going to the grocery store and doing their own chores, and that Mitt even likes to iron his own shirts — that he bought at Costco. After each assertion of their alleged humble, ‘just folks’-iness, the word “LIE” flashed across the screen, accompanied by a game show buzzer.
It is worth noting that adherents of the Mormon faith highly value the work ethic as a tenet of godly living. While we appreciate the joke, it could be said that Letterman is misapprehending a part of the Romneys’ belief system.
From the website of the Church of Latter Day Saints: “Mormons believe in work and in teaching our children to work. A child who learns to work will have a better chance of success in the future, independence, a responsible nature, self-reliance, confidence, and a greater appreciation for the blessings we have and how much it takes to supply needs and wants.”
Watch the clip, embedded via Mediaite, below:
“Ann,” he said, “The lovely Ann Romney, married to, uh…MITCH Romney.”
Letterman then rolled a clip of a Fox News interview with presumptive Republican nominee Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) and his wife Ann in which the couple talk about how much they love going to the grocery store and doing their own chores, and that Mitt even likes to iron his own shirts — that he bought at Costco. After each assertion of their alleged humble, ‘just folks’-iness, the word “LIE” flashed across the screen, accompanied by a game show buzzer.
It is worth noting that adherents of the Mormon faith highly value the work ethic as a tenet of godly living. While we appreciate the joke, it could be said that Letterman is misapprehending a part of the Romneys’ belief system.
From the website of the Church of Latter Day Saints: “Mormons believe in work and in teaching our children to work. A child who learns to work will have a better chance of success in the future, independence, a responsible nature, self-reliance, confidence, and a greater appreciation for the blessings we have and how much it takes to supply needs and wants.”
Watch the clip, embedded via Mediaite, below: