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Prince Harry polo

Prince Harry polo

Prince Harry polo, In a scene that might have been yanked from a fairy tale book, Britain's Prince Harry (see photos of him) leaped off a horse to delivery critical first aid to an injured man (who was it?), earning him a commendation from the British Red Cross. The rescue happened at a charity polo match, when a rider was injured in a collision and left unconsciousPrince Harry is in the centre of a storm this week after his Polo horse was gashed by Prince Harry’s spurs during a Polo Match. Pictures of the injured horse, have earned him a nasty nickname of Dirty Harry! Animal Aid have criticised Prince Harry, saying “Polo is a rough game, and causes stress” to these powerful horses. Palace Officials have suggested that the injury could have been from another rider. They have also confirmed that the horse was fine after the game.
Well, believe what you want this is a very fast and rough game, and its not only the horses that get injured, riders are very often left with cuts,grazes and broken bones.

During February 2011, the O2 Arena in Greenwich, London is collaborating with Gaucho, Sand Polo and the HPA – Polo’s governing body, and are performing the largest display of arena polo in the UK and is set to be the most exciting polo contest of 2011. Follow the highs and lows of the players as they romp around the Arena together, with over 12,000 spectators who will be enjoying a fast and furious high-goal tournament of the highest calibre.
Nobility is not necessarily related only to noble rank but also to facts and simplicity. That is the lesson that Prince Harry seems to have already learned from life. Harry, who was in Campinas, Brazil, joining a polo match, had a quick presence of mind and jumped off his horse to give first aid to a rival who had lost consciousness after a dramatic collision with another player, writes Daily Mail.
The 27-year-old Harry was the first who came to the rescue of the American business man, Bash Kazi, placing him into a recovery position. British Red Cross said after the incident, that Prince’s fast reaction could have saved his opponent’s life.

Grateful Bash Kazi told the Washington Post that Prince Harry was the first who leaped from his horse, applying some first aid maneuvers aimed at regaining consciousness. “Prince Harry was first alighted, doing the right procedures, lying me on the back to make sure that I regained consciousness,” said Bash Kazi.
Bash Kazi, 41, an amateur polo player for 25 year, was in the middle of the polo match organized by Prince Harry when his horse collided with another. “I remember I woke up with his piercing blue eyes starring at me,” said Kazi.

The polo match, won 6-3 by prince’s team, was a charity fundraising event organized for Harry’s “Sentebale” charity organization, which helps poor people in South Africa. Harry’s heroic story comes amid speculations that he would be reconciled with his former girlfriend, Chelsy Davy, after she ended her affair with Patrick Blaise, an art dealer.
The 25-year-old son of the late Princess Diana fell off his polo pony in the first half of the 3rd annual Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic on Governor's Island.

The match was stopped for a few moments to allow the Prince to dust himself off and remount.

He had a smile on his face as he got up and continued the contest, which Argentine polo star Nacho Figueras' Black Watch team won 6-5 in overtime.

But to Harry's embarrassment the game's commentator gave the crowds a blow-by-blow verbal replay of the tumble.

“I think his horse got spooked, or something,” Figueras said later, adding: “It was a very tight match - right till the end, we didn't know who was going to win so it was very exciting to play.”Harry is making a habit of falling off his pony in charity games.

In Barbados earlier this year the Prince was thrown by his mount in another charity match.

The New York match was for a good cause - to benefit 400,000 children of the AIDS-ravaged African nation of Lesotho.

The American Friends of Sentebale was set up in 2006 by Harry and Prince Seeiso of Lesotho for “the vulnerable children of Lesotho,” where many children are AIDS orphans.

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